Intro: This medium sized "semi dwarf" deciduous tree produces beautiful pink to red colored "pink lady" apples for eating and is suitable for most climates. The Malus " Pink Lady"can be planted as feature tree in small garden or in group planting.
Foliage: Green leaves in summer and spring which turn yellow in Autumn. The fruit will be ready for picking in mid to late May.
Soil: Well drained soil
Maintenance: Plant in well draining and turned over soil. You will need to water in well and ensure the soil is kept moist until the tree is well established. Fertalise when planting and again after new growth appears. If you prune the tree, you will encourage new growth.
Size: 3m (high) x 2.5m (wide)
Sun: Full Sun Other: This is a self pollinating fruit tree, however to increase the fruit produced, you should consider cross pollinating with a companion tree. We suggest; Gala, Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Red Fuji and Golden Delicious apple trees as good companion planting options.
Image supplied by JFT Nurseries
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