Intro: The deciduous dwarf red delicious apple tree is hardy and well suited to grow in most climates (frost resistant) and conditions. It produces edible fruits in the Autumn Months (March - April - May).
Fruit/ Foliage: The apples produced are a medium conical shaped fruit with red skin, which is nestled within dark green serrated leaves. The fruit is sweet and juicy making it perfect to eat on its own or used in cooking.
Soil: Prefers soil that is well drained and well worked.
Maintenance: When planting, you must ensure the bud unions above the soil level. We recommend you water in well and keep the soil moist until the tree is well established. Fertalise when planting and again on new growth. To encourage new growth you should prune the tree when planting.
Sun: Full Sun
Size: up to 3m high
Image courtesy of JFT Nurseries
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